Digital Signage

Digital Signage

Basic screen layout showing panels for videos or slideshows, information and ticker tape style messaging. Single or multi panel layout is possible with each panel’s content changing according to a scheduled loop and real time updates.

Possible income stream through discreet sponsorship and advertising with suitable organisations

Today’s prices of display screens makes a digital signage system a realistic proposition with a 40 inch wall screen and content management software costing less than £ 1000 (even less if there is already a compatible screen). Additional screens can then be added to display different content according to the location and organised from a single pc with internet access. Once the design layout is in place it is just a question of adding relevant media and text, similar to creating a powerpoint presentation.

Environmental and costs benefits with the reduction of printed material and photo copies

Scott Manning Associates can provide an onsite demonstration to show how such a system works and how the content management software can accommodate the user’s skill, from the most basic of layouts to more complex for multimedia and message distribution. It is even possible to prepare content in advance and schedule its display whenever required, whether it is the next hour, day or week and to switch off power to save energy.
Digital Signage example
A digital signage system offers an extremely effective means of maximising the potential of the rich media content and information generated by most companies and organisations. Product updates, latest promotions and customer interaction can be used to help develop and strengthen ‘brand’ awareness image to existing and new customers.
Digital signage retail
Onsite training for using the signage software is available or Scott Manning Associates can provide a content management service via the internet.