Last April, we wrote a short report* on digital retailing in Cowbridge, to assess how independent stores used websites and social media to promote their businesses. We now follow with an update, covering retailer activity until December 2014; plus some thoughts on how the independent community can work together to safeguard its future. Continue reading “How digital community spirit can help keep Cowbridge bustling”
Cowbridge fashion TV
Cowbridge fashion TV
Scott Manning Associates has launched a Web TV channel as part of the project which it sponsors and manages. Cowbridge Fashion TV will be showcasing products and retail services available in Cowbridge together with relevant media from other sources. Continue reading “Cowbridge fashion TV”
Free marketing session for Cowbridge retailers
Marketing for Cowbridge Retailers
With increasing competition from all angles, the independent retailer like any other business needs to be aware of the threats and opportunities that exist now and in the near future, and also how to respond. Continue reading “Free marketing session for Cowbridge retailers”
Digital Retailing in Cowbridge
Why independent retailers should be optimised for mobile
A recent Ofcom report showed that the number of adults using tablets to go online has almost doubled, from 16% in 2012 to 30% in 2013. And the trend isn’t confined to younger users: 17% of 65-74-year-olds are using tablets to browse the internet. Continue reading “Digital Retailing in Cowbridge”
Town Centre Regeneration
Town Centre Regeneration and the ‘Virtual Shop Tour’
Increased competition from out-of-town retail parks and branded mini stores has made a significant impact on the traditional high street with many smaller outlets forced to shut up shop. Add to this the acceptance of online shopping by consumers of all ages and one begins to appreciate the challenge for owners of traditional retail businesses. However, whilst little can be done to stave off the onslaught of the retail park, it can be argued that the internet offers the small retailer an excellent opportunity to win back valuable customers, real and virtual.